Thursday, August 21, 2014

The ALS ice bucket challenge

You've seen the countless videos of people dumping ice-water on themselves on the internet haven't you?  Some say it's stupid while others fully embrace it as a fun way to bring awareness to a terrible disease. Everyone has heard of Lou Gehrig's disease right?  ALS, the abbreviation for the medical term is a HORRIFYING disease.  You can survive it for a long time, but end up a quadriplegic confined to a chair, unable to speak, or even swallow food correctly.  I saw a video of a man in that same condition, take the ice bucket challenge.  He described it as your body locking itself around a fully functioning brain.  Imagine the absolute horror of having full cognitive thought, with NO way to really communicate with the outside world, move, or even feed yourself.  It would be excruciating.

Take a look at this'll cry before the end of it I'm sure.  To date, it's at $41.8 MILLION dollars donated compared to just over $2 million last year.  This is with almost 740,000 new donors thanks to the ice bucket challenge.

This guy might not get help in his lifetime...but maybe we can help the countless others in theirs.

Go here to donate: ALS Association

Post by David Jayne.

You can see our ice bucket challenge here:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Preventative Maintenance...a love story.

There are few things in life other than people that we fall in love with.  For many people, their car is one of them.  We see one, we LOVE it immediately, so we buy it.  We wash it, we vacuum it, and we always have the oil changed right when we should!  For some, that might seem like enough.  You only drive it to work and back and mainly in town, so there isn't a lot of other things that would need done right?   WRONG!   Just like any relationship, it requires communication and a little work here and there!  Keeping your car maintained is about finding problems before they become expensive and dangerous, as your car will try and hurt you if something goes wrong, no matter how much you love it.

This is where preventative maintenance comes in.  You don't wait until your brake rotors are sliced and diced by metal from worn pads do you?  NO!  You replace the pads when they get low so you don't incur that extra cost, thereby extending the life of your brakes!
We take certain things for granted way too much in our cars.  You see, the most dangerous things in your car are the ones designed to save you.  Brakes & tires are arguably one of the most important, if not THE most important thing you can keep maintained on your car.  If they fail, it is not just a problem, but a deadly one.  Bad or no brakes can be the difference between stopping behind the guy that just stopped for that bunny in the road, or a very nasty wreck.

I found this out firsthand this weekend.  I drive a late 90's import, and everything looked ok to me, but there is a spot that is not in view without having the car in the air and the line ruptured underneath that cover.  I was extremely lucky as it was a small leak, and the pedal went to the floor while sitting at a traffic light.  Had it been the day before, when I was going 65mph on Rt. 15 and someone stopped short in front of me, I might not have been able to be here this morning writing this.

Taking your vehicle to a reputable service station is one of the best things you can do for your continued relationship with it!  When you bring your car to us, we also perform a FREE 23 point vehicle inspection with your service.  This will keep you aware of any possible problems like I had well ahead of time to get it repaired without issue. 

If you love your car, or even just its ability to move you from one place to another, treat it right, get it checked out, replace what it needs when it needs it, and you'll be in a long term, stable relationship as long as you keep it!

(If you do trade it in, don't worry, they don't mind!)

Be safe out there!
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