Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Big Game Auto Commercials (and more)

WOW....what a blowout that game was huh?  There were a TON of people watching, which is exactly why it's the biggest day of the year for commercial advertising.  MILLIONS upon MILLIONS are spent by each company with hopes to have the best ad.  What was once kind of a neat thing the advertisers did to attract sales, has now turned into an event all its own.  People will sit down JUST to watch the commercials during the game.  There were many great commercials all night. (Some would say the game was less exciting than the ads!)

Anyway, this was Toyota's big entry, and it hit many top 10 lists for the game.

Using the Muppets was a great idea, as they are a multi-generational platform!  Kids like them, and adults have fond memories from their childhoods as well!

There were funny ones, sad ones, and inspiring ones.  Each had something you could connect to, and feel...THAT is what a good commercial is meant to do.  It doesn't have to necessarily sell the product, but make you feel something...to emote toward that object as well as to the memory it evoked.

Chevy did a great job with a hilarious version of it's popular "A Man....A man and his truck..." commercials, as well as a heart-string tugging commercial for cancer support.

There were 2 really surprising commercials though.
This one from Italian auto maker Maserati.  They have not been advertising much in the states for a while, and yet BAM here they were, with a very cool commercial!

And this entry from Audi, was just flat out hilarious in general, not expecting it to be from them, but well played Audi...well played.

Another hilarious ad was VW's Wings...now it's no Darth Vader kid from years past, but it's pretty good still!

KIA surprised everyone with Morpheus doing a cameo.

These are just a few of the offerings this year, so much more to be seen on YouTube still!

 At Fitzgerald, we hope you enjoyed the game, all the fun ads, and the ones that made you cry.  Bravo to all of the great automakers and their great entries!

I'll leave you with one final ad, voted best during the whole game, that had nothing to do with cars.
It did however, have a puppy...and a horse....and a whole lot of tissues were needed....

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